Bioanalytical Services
Qmera leverages our expertise in LC-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (LC-QTOF) and advanced separation techniques (2D-LC, online SPE, column switching) to quantify large and small molecules in biological matrices. Qmera’s instrumentation advantage offers faster turn-around and more accurate results versus competing methods (LBA, TQMS).
Large Molecule Bioanalysis
Bioassay of antibodies, bispecific antibodies, recombinant proteins, biosimilars, fusion proteins, antibody-drug conjugates (ADC), PEGylated proteins.
Surrogate peptides and native proteins
assay method development, method transfer, method qualification, method validation
pre-clinical pharmacokinetics (PK) sample analysis
fit-for-purpose non-GLP sample analysis
Advantages of LC-HRMS vs LBA
Rapid development - Not relying on the development of high-quality, assay-specific monoclonal antibody reagents
Added selectivity - helps to bypass immunoassay interference issues
Distinguish between closely related species- control potential biotransformation
Assay several proteins within a single analysis without the need for assay-specific antibodies for each analyte.
Small Molecule Bioanalysis
Known drugs, new chemical entities (NCE), peptides, PEGylated peptides, oligonucleotides
assay method development, method transfer, method qualification, method validation
fit-for-purpose non-GLP sample analysis
pre-clinical pharmacokinetics (PK) sample analysis
Advantages of LC-HRMS vs TQMS
Unprecedented selectivity — simplified sample prep leading to faster method development and robust assays
Higher signal-to-noise ratio — generation of more precise data
Improved sensitivity via aggregation of several product ions
Full scan data and post-run re-analysis enable faster MS optimization and enhanced troubleshooting ability